Pamiątka z podróży

Dzień dobry wszystkim :).
Memorabilia from the travel
Again in my bag instead of the planned purchases from the trip I placed a book but rather an album with pictures of fantastic interior design under the title Bazaar Style. The woman who took pictures is Debi Treloar – is a very versatile photographer feeling well, not only in the world of interior design but also wonderfully photographing food, still life and so called life style. Her few works have been presented here but the only albums which is co-author of widely demonstrated to me its versatility and very beautiful refinement with color. I am a magpie and I wrote several times that despite of my admiration to the white I cannot get away the confusion of color and its use. Balancing on the border of a kitsch and the art is absolute for me, I do not know how to set boundaries that you can easily exceed but I know that works with Debi despite the incredible color saturation and all the diversity are the patterns on the highest level, nothing more than a good taste. So Bazaar Style landed in my suitcase and now it lies next to me quietly on the desk and we are looking at each other. Good morning everyone :). Zdjęcie z okładki Bazaar Style.
“Bazaar Style” cover photo.W tle łazienka, którą w całości zobaczyć można tutaj.
In the background, a bathroom, you can see entirely here.I totalny zwrot w klimacie spokój i prostota „Zen”.
And total return to the climate of peace and simplicity, „Zen”.
który czerpie z „pchlich targów”, czy targów staroci „Flea Market Style”.
Równie piękna i niesamowicie inspirująca.
The second book with pictures by Debi Treloar is devoted to style,
which comes from the flea markets and fairs “Flea Market Style”.
Equally beautiful and incredibly inspiring.

O innej cudownej pamiątce z tej samej podróży przy okazji posta,
który szykuje się już od jakiegoś czasu.
All you can see here, look at the author webpage.
The other wonderful stuff of the same trip on the occasion of the post,
which I prepare for some time already.