Autentyczne, inspirujące i piękne BOKJA

Authentic, inspiring and beautiful BOKJA
Bokja is a result of cooperation of the two designers: Hoda Baroudi and Maria Hibri, which in year 2000 merged their fascination and created an extraordinary collection of furniture combining traditional folk designs and modern look with respect to contemporary design. Moreover, these projects, are also a meeting of two worlds and two cultures, a meeting between east and west, a successful attempt to connect modern forms with traditional, unique designs. I am curious what you think of it, because if I had a studio Bokja closer than in Lebanon I would find a good reason to be there already :). It is difficult for me to agree with a duality of my nature, which can not choose between a clean minimalism, even a rawness and fanciful, totally shouting, playing on her nose, close to kitsch range of colors that inspire me like nothing in the world.Panie i Panowie „Dracula”
Ladies and Gentlemen „Dracula”„Opium”
Moja lista życzeń, składa się i z takich rzeczy których posiąść w żaden sposób nie można.
My wish-list consist of the things which in any way you can not possess.
W końcu Polska słynie z wzornictwa ludowego. Jestem jak taka sroka:). No jestem.
It just fits to me like I do not know what else, cramps maybe someone does that in Poland?
After all Poland is famous for its folk design. I’m like a magpie :). Well I am.