History in pictures of a certain kitchen
I will say right away that this is not my dream kitchen, but it is not important because I immediately add that
I like it very much and have long wanted to present documented struggle of the hosts with the „little” renovation. The effect of their work, certainly not only once flashed in front of you when you explored the interior design blogs, but probably never seen a baseline from which the owners have come until today.
Well, generally speaking it is not good … ..Closed in the matchbox.
Widok który wzbudza u mnie panikę….
View which scares me…
Kolor biały potrafi zdziałać cuda 🙂
White can make a wonder 🙂Zaczynamy widzieć, że np. okno jest piękne…. a za nim dzień.
We begin to see that a window is beautiful …. and the day behind it.I co o tym myślicie…?
And what do you think …?Super! Jeżeli ktoś ma ochotę zgłębić dokładną wiedzę
dotyczącą tego projektu zachęcam do wizyty tutaj, gdzie można poznać
niemalże każdy detal zachodzących zmian w tej kuchni.
Superb! If someone wants to broaden the knowledge of this project,
I encourage you to visit here, where you can learn almost every detail of the changes in this kitchen.