Z przymrużeniem oka

Szalony okres przedświąteczny uważam za otwarty:) Jak co roku obiecuje sobie ze postaram się do tego podejść z dystansem ale nigdy jeszcze ta sztuka mi się nie udała. Zawsze niby mimochodem zostaje wciągnięta i pewnie nie ja jedna w ten tłum pędzący od jednego sklepu do drugiego, w poszukiwaniu życzeń swoich dzieci, bliskich, znajomych tylko nie swoich własnych. A więc mam kilka postanowień tych przedświątecznych, tych dotyczących prezentów, gotowania i sprzątania i chociaż wiem, że od wszystkiego nie da się uciec to postanawiam w tym okresie na przekór ZWOLNIĆ a nie PRZYSPiESZYĆ. Serdeczności.
Crazy Christmas period, I consider open :). As every year, I promise to myself to approach it with a distance but never managed to do so. I always accidentally fall into it, and certainly not only me, in the crowd rushing from one store to another in search of wishes of their children, relatives, acquaintances, not just their own. So I have a few pre-Christmas resolutions, those related to gifts, cooking and cleaning and even though I know that you cannot escape from that all I decided this time in spite of all to slow down and not to speed up.
Crazy Christmas period, I consider open :). As every year, I promise to myself to approach it with a distance but never managed to do so. I always accidentally fall into it, and certainly not only me, in the crowd rushing from one store to another in search of wishes of their children, relatives, acquaintances, not just their own. So I have a few pre-Christmas resolutions, those related to gifts, cooking and cleaning and even though I know that you cannot escape from that all I decided this time in spite of all to slow down and not to speed up.

Zdjęcie Elle Decor