O starych meblach, które bym chciała mieć.

The old furniture that I would like to have.
I hate the word antiques, but today a few words and pictures of them. In fact, I have no idea where my love comes from for old disintegrating wardrobes, nodding chairs, shelves, tables, not to mention dressers and cupboards. Likely it is because of the place in which I grew up, and which was full of old furniture, ceramic figurines, fabrics in beautiful flowers. It does not matter that time made its job, that the smell of damp rushed between shelves. It always made on me, several years old girl, a great impression and it also does it today. Please visit the gallery in which you can feel the time which is passing, but you can see the beauty remains over the years. Szafka z biblioteki ? Apteki ? Zdjęcie Marie Claire Maison
Cabinet with a library ? Pharmacy ?Zdjęcie Skona Hem
Poproszę wszystko…., zdjęcie Skona Hem.
I’d like everything.Zdjęcie z Made a Mano.
Kolejny mebel, który od wielu lat jest na liście moich życzeń. To zdjęcie,
przedstawia jeden z pokoi wiktoriańskiego domu w Melbourne. Można jednak,
tego typu szafki szufladkowe dostać trochę bliżej, w Szwecji. Zdjęcie z Flickr.
Another piece of furniture, which for many years is on my wish list.
This photo shows one of the rooms of the Victorian home in Melbourne.
However, this type of drawer cabinets you can get a little closer in Sweden.
Pictures from Flickr.